If I had my life to live over again, I’d try to make more mistakes next time. I wouldn’t be so perfect. I would relax more. I’d limber up. I’d be sillier that I’ve been on this trip. In fact, I know very few things that I would take so seriously. I’d be crazier. I’d be less hygienic.
I’d take more chances, I’d take more trips, I’d climb more mountains, I’d swim more rivers, I’d go places I’ve never been to. I’d eat more ice cream and fewer beans. I’d have more actual troubles and fewer imaginary ones!
You see, I was one of those people who lived prophylactically and sensibly and sanely hour after hour and day after day. Oh. I’ve had my moments, and if I had to do it over again, I’d have more of those moments – moment by moment by moment.
I’ve been one of those people who never went anywhere without a thermometer, a hot water bottle, a gargle, a raincoat and a parachute. If I had to do it all over again I’d travel lighter next time. If I had to do it all over again, I’d start earlier in the spring and stay way later in the fall. I’d ride more merry-go-rounds, I’d watch more sunrises, and I’d play with more children, if I had my life to live over again. ~ But you see, I don’t.
Seize the day!
~ Robyn
What have you been putting off in your life that you could be doing now?
What’s stopping you from living a fulfilled life?
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