September 12, 2009

Why Not?

So, my newest friend Kate - whom I already adore, told me that I just "have to" blog and who am I to not do what I'm told so here I sit... blogging...

It will be interesting to see how this evolves as I truly haven't an agenda for my blog other than to share my own noticings as I travel through the chapters of my life.

For now I offer you with the thought that came to me when Kate told me to blog   ~    Why Not? 
What are you not doing? AND WHY NOT? What's stopping you?
In peace and love,



  1. yay!!! you are officially blogging!

    what am i not doing? right now, i am not going to bed because i am reading through your blog and website (which i LOVE).

    the big picture question of what am i not doing and why? ... fear. fear based thinking. feeling alone in my quest. fear that people won't like me.

    i am constantly telling my self that quote, "what other people think of you is none of your business"

  2. congrats on blogging. i started a mere 6 months ago and it has been a blast! i have met so many wonderful like-minded, kindred spirits (kate being one of them for sure!!) i look forward to reading your blog often. good luck on all of your blogging endeavors :)

  3. Thanks for the encouragement ladies!

  4. Hi Robyn,

    Congrats on your blog! I've heard lots about you from Kate and I'm looking forward to reading your posts.

    What am I not doing - lots of things that I think about doing, but I put up various roadblocks like, " oh someone else is doing that already," or "I don't have the experience or education," or "I don't know where to begin." Then of course I get frustrated with myself for not doing these things I want to do! Ugh!!
