Quotes and Sayings to Ponder

If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything. - Mark Twain

Happiness is not a station you arrive at, but a manner of traveling. - Margaret B. Runbeck

The only time we suffer is when we believe a thought that argues with what is. When the mind is perfectly clear, what is is what we want.    - Byron Katie

The only job where you start at the top, is digging a hole. - Anonymous

Integrity is telling myself the truth. And honesty is telling the truth to other people. -Anonymous

Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible. - Dalai Lama 

Hear one side and you will be in the dark. Hear both and all will be clear. - Thomas C. Haliburton

A teacher of fear can’t bring peace on Earth. We have been trying to do it that way for thousands of years. The person who turns inner violence around, the person who finds peace inside and lives it, is the one who teaches what true peace is. We are waiting for just one teacher.  You’re the one.   - Byron Katie