May 13, 2013

Connecting with your humanness

I believe that life is a journey of connection to self and to others.  In relationships, sharing all of who I am with others seems to come naturally. Though it wasn't always that way!  I remember hiding the parts of me that felt weak or inferior to my ideal self. What I've found is that sharing all of me has been a great way to learn more about myself.  Through reaching out to others, I am able to not only get support but also to give them an opportunity to grow with me.  The deeper connection to self and others is, in my mind, the whole point of this life. 

How do you feel when someone reaches out to you for support? Does it feel like a burden or is it gratifying that they would want to include you?  

I challenge you today to reach out and share yourself with a friend. Not just what's going well for you in life, but also the part of you that is learning and needing support.  What good is it to have friends that you only share good news with?  What about the stuff in between?  The experiences of growing and learning?  Sharing all of our humanness with each other is equally valuable.  In my experience, it's another door to connect through.

The ability to make an emotional connection is so often misunderstood. It's not just about being emotional or showing emotion. It's about making a human connection ~ one person to another. 

In love, light and connection, Robyn

Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: "What! You too? I thought I was the only one. ~ C.S. Lewis

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